First day of school holidays has been another busy and fast paced term.
We had a little sunshine today amongst some pretty shocking weather this the suggestion was made to our 12 year old that he help out dad in the garden for a while....
As you can imagine he jumped with glee and was right on the job....or not.
After some debating it was agreed that he would and he did a great job helping his dad out.
So how much helping out should be required from a tween? Were we too tough on the first day of holidays?
All in the name of teaching some life skills ......
Nope, it's good to have them help with the family things... In my house we all help out - we are a family, we help do jobs as a family too. So finding jobs they can do at their age is good. Well done to you guys & to him for getting stuck in, however long the getting stuck took. lol