Showing posts with label Christmas thankfulness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas thankfulness. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

It's not about us...

This year we I really felt we needed to mix our normal traditions up a little..

So I posed to my family that we give up a little of ourselves on Christmas day to be available to those who might need extra.

Feeling a little unsure, they did agree. We found  somewhere local that was hosting a Christmas breakfast for those who might not have anywhere to be.

We arose early and headed out the door...presents unopened.

We made ourselves available  for setting up,serving, hanging with kids and flipping bacon and sausages.

When we were was realised that it really was something that we had needed to do and that starting our day that way was such a refreshing way to begin the festivities.

We continued onto a family lunch feeling filled up on knowing that we helped make a difference to about 300 people.

Monday, November 28, 2011


 (our willy wag tail nest with dove eggs residing in it, courtesy of our 6 year old...
no birds were harmed in the filming of this, the mother dove had abandoned her eggs - maybe feeling overwhelmed with her duties!)

Are you feeling a little fragile due to the impending season?
I think we are all a little fragile in this household....
some are physically training hard...
others are over the routine of daily school...
some of us have a million deadlines that are looming fast in a short space of time....

we are all ticking off events and appointments as they roll around.....
feeling fragile and tired comes with the excitement and demands of the year coming to an end...

every situations requires extra from us....time, emotion, money , patience and even energy.

As this month closes to an end I am setting a goal for December...

Blog 25 days of being Thankful.
I did this back in 2009. I did this as a way of staying focus on the good , happy and pleasing moments

it's a way of acknowledging all that we take for granted, all that we sometimes overlook as we let busyness take over.

Maybe you want to join me....let me know I would love to read along with your thankful list too.

Here's to less focus on fragile and more on the blessings we have all around us.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thankfulness Day 25

Day 25
I am thankful for the reason we celebrate this day...

Merry Christmas and may you have a peaceful, memorable day with family and friends.

Thankfulness Day 24

Day 24
I am Thankful the most for ......these guys.
My beautiful family (who are all but one tucked up in bed fast asleep)
These guys are the best and although we have lots of "moments" I wouldn't be without them.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thankfulness Day 23

Day 23
I am thankful for my creative space...
carved out in our very full house I have my own space that allows me to make my own mess and pursue my creative ideas.
This Christmas I have not done as much as I would have liked , but watch out New year!!!

I made these for a few people who have input at some time in either mine or the kids daily life this year...they were fun and very simple using calico and some of my vintage button stash.
The idea came from here via here.

I did also fit in some time for a bag or two and some super capes that were all requested for gifts.
With only two more sleeps till someone comes to pay a visit and hopefully leave some gifts you might want to check out here and track how far away he is....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thankfulness Day 22

Day 22
I am thankful for Christmas baking....
There are so many yummy recipes around at this time of the year that call for making...and most of them just don't seem right making them any other time of the year.
Meg made these Christmas Crackles all by herself and they were yummy...I made some coconut slice that doesn't look quite like the picture but tastes as it should Sweet.

We received this very tasty box of goodies today from friends...much of it home baked goodness with a few other irresistible treats in there too.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Thankfulness Day 21

Day 21
I am thankful that Australia Post chose to deliver in record speed this Christmas....
I was very late in sending off my parcels to the East , I received word today that they arrived safely ...most unheard of especially as there is some kind of postal strike happening!
My fears of last years debacle of the parcel going missing never to be seen again were playing on my mind so now I can relax.

There were special thoughts and prayers going with that parcel for a peaceful and memory filled Christmas with each other.....

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thankfulness Day 20

Day 20
I am thankful for children who are sleeping in....
One is feeling the effects of the season and all it's busyness and the other is just morphing into a pre-teen!!!
Either way I am enjoying the lack of early morning demands.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thankfulness Day19

Day 19
I am thankful for neighbours that go to a lot of trouble to please the kids...
We have only a few enthusiastic neighbours that have done the light thing. The kids just love to see them as we drive home from outings in the evening.
At least this year with no daylight savings we get to see the lights at an hour that is before bedtime.

Check this out if you could do it this good why wouldn't you?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thankfulness Day 18

Day 18
I am thankful for the Festive Season.....
every year we try and get into the city to wander and catch the sights. On our list to do is also visit the Myer Christmas shop and purchase a new tree decoration each.
As you can see we also take a moment to revisit some of the things on the wish list....

Then home as the sun sets on yet another day....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thankfulness Day 17

Day 17
I am thankful for a great place to go to work......
This is what my desk looked like this morning at the start of the day..

After a little staff Christmas lunch in the middle of the day...
This was my desk at the end of the day!

Yep it is exactly the same...I did get a bit done but tidying my desk didn't make the top of the list. Oh well there is always next week.
Seriously I do love my job and the people I work with job involves so much more than a tidy desk so I am cool with that, I am just not sure about the other three people I share the office with!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thankfulness Day 15

Day 15
I am thankful for grandparents who are willing to have the kids for the day so we can Christmas shop.
Life has been so hectic that we had the first opportunity today to start and finish all the present buying.
So we hit the shops with our list in hand and away we went stopping only for some quick lunch and a coffee fix...pleased to say we have almost done it.

Then it was home to get it wrapped before the surprises were spoilt.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thankfulness Day 14

Day 14
I am thankful for the fruits of our garden...
Derek is doing a great job at involving the kids in a love for the garden, especially Fraser.
He nurtured and protected this first strawberry of the season and then was most excited when he could pick and savor every nibble.
He was even keen to give everyone a taste...sweet boy

We have already enjoyed the peaches, still enjoying the mulberries and lemons and waiting to enjoy the tomatoes,watermelons and oranges.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thankfulness Day 13

Day 13
I am thankful for a beautiful evening to gather with community for Christmas Carols.
Tonight was our Church's Annual Carols in the park . We attracted a crowd of around 300 people from both our church and the local community.
After a 39 degree day it was lovely to have the sun set on a very still warm evening.
The crowd was led by our church band of which Derek is apart.
It is beginning to feel like Christmas.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thankfulness Day 12

Day 12
I am thankful for ..a pantry full of food.
This is something we so take for granted. As each member of the household takes their turn to stand at the door and says what can I have to eat as they stare at a mountain of choice.
We need a constant reminder of the many in our world who stare at nothing for days on end.

As you can see I am no "Tupperware queen" when it comes to pantry organisation.
After that very serious thought I ought not grumble at having to actually complete the weekly chore of tackling the supermarket.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thankfulness Day 11

Day 11
I am thankful for yummy morning teas with friends....
I don't mean to make it sound like I do this often but there is something special about a lovely spread to share with friends while enjoying a "cuppa"

Always a great thing to do to help slow the pace of the week or day down and enable yourself to catch our breathe.

Hey last day of school for us.... wouldn't it be nice if school holidays meant more time for fancy morning teas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thankfulness Day 10

Day 10
I am thankful the season that brings news of friends and family.
I just love the arrival of real mail in our letterbox (as opposed to bills)and especially at this time of the year when each day there is a card or two from someone far away.

I do need to take a lead from the kids who have diligently written their Christmas cards for all their friends.....Fraser did well to write his name 21 times for all his classmates.

Not all well wishes come via snail mail although for me that is the most exciting way...I did receive this card via email from my sister and it made us all smile as we played it over a few times with tapping of the feet to go along.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thankfulness Day 9

Day 9
I am thankful for......hmmmm.....oh alright, take out food to eat on the run...I know I am stretching the concept today but it has been a crazy day. I have been particularly emotional about some decisions we need to make and combined with having to be all over the place today I just had to do what worked for today.
Meg had a dance concert rehearsal that went way over time and Derek also worked back , so yes tonight I am thankful for take out.


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