Showing posts with label renovations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label renovations. Show all posts

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Snippets...


As a spyed my children and then my nieces using the lovely new space created by my hard working hubby....a smile came to my face.....

This is what weekends are filled with.....{not sure my hubbies back agrees tonight though.}

Hope your weekend was full of smiles too.

Joining in with other snippets here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

{Table Update....}

Remember our table dilemma?
Hey we had a moment today where for some unplanned reasons we had enough strong hands in one place to "flip" the table......
I am so proud of my is so beautiful......

A few more splinters to knock off it and we are ready to have a feast with friends around this grand table.....
...and the best part was other than all the hard work gone into it was a steal of a deal made with scrap yard jarrah wood......never could we have afforded to have bought one!

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Riddle....

Q.   When is a table not a table?
A....When it is so darn heavy that you need 5 men to turn it over....
5 men we didn't have on hand today!!!

We have had an idea for a while of a nice long table for our outside eating.....
after hunting around and not wanting to pay the prices for a table that wasn't what we wanted....
the decision to make one was made.

Now not just any table ....beautiful recycled Jarrah that need to be worked over.....
Many hours have been spent by my very determined hubbie with the sander and other very noisy power tools to bring this wood into it's full beauty....

Today with the help of a talented friend the table was assembled.
One small problem...It is so heavy that we will need an army of men friends to help turn it over.....

This is one table that will hopefully see lots of food, family and friends around and will not be going anywhere  soon.

No" Photo a day"  today -   dinner  it was eaten before I photographed.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Out with the Old-

Today we moved our home a little more into the "modern"....
From This....

To This......
I feel kinda sad that my kids are not going to learn the discipline and skill of manually hauling up and down the tilt door.....the skill they will now have under their belt is 
knowing where the remote is and how to "push the orange  button"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yah for the Sun

When we woke this morning we were very pleased to see the sun and no was the day to go and fetch our new shed.....
After surveying the details of the shed and marking every piece so as to be able to reconstruct it later....
We took this and .....
with lots of this....

and some of this....
We ended up with this....
Now we just need to find all our markings and put it all back together again.
(actually we have already made a great start on that too)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Backyard Blitz Day 4

Our plans to pick up our new garden shed were thwarted today due to an impending with everything in place for that task we abandoned and continued on with the paving.....

I said we....I made muffins for snacks and I did some "hard yakka" as you can see I was snapped in action...
Even though Derek was absolutely "done" he kept on for just that bit more..that's my guy...rain, hail or dark!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Backyard Blitz Day 3

Today there was a lot of back breaking bending going on.....
Slowly the area is being transformed into a much more usable space.
I am glad that today was my final work day for the week I don't think my house could survive another day ...the kids have been brilliant at amusing themselves ....but the fun they have had has slowly spread right through the house.
There also has been no controller of wiping feet as you go inside!
Tomorrow I will try and show you photos of the very creative endeavors going on inside ..some home decorating of their own.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Backyard Blitz Day 2

This was the scene as I had to leave for work this morning....

someone was happy to be playing with this today!
and this was what I came home to at the end of the day...

everyone was busy, busy, busy.
The end of another day...time to soak in the bath and take in some of the Tour while thinking about all that still needs to be done tomorrow!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Backyard Blitz

The kids are not the only ones on holidays...Derek has taken two weeks leave from work, in part to take a break from some long hours in the office and partly to work on our backyard project.
Following on from our new fence a few weeks ago we now have the task of preparing for a new shed and the arrival of some "chooks".
Unfortunately before we can get to any of the fun stuff there is some back breaking work that needs doing.....

An extra pair of hands is never to far away...
Some big holes needed to be dug....

All went quiet at one stage so I went to investigate....oh my gosh ...but dad was up there so what was mum worried about right????!!

I have to go to work tomorrow I can only imagine what will go on in my absence...especially with the arrival of the digger!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Around Our House

Today was a day to get some serious work done around our house.....
this old shed needed to come down to make way for a new fence.

We enlisted the help of my Dad and of course Fraser was keen to be involved.
Team work was required to clear the site...apart from being the assistant to the guys who knew what to do I was on morning tea and lunch duty.
This tool was in high demand throughout the day....

After a hard days work we have a brand new fence....

The trouble now is that one job always leads to many others.
Thanks to the skilled men in my life who are willing to have a go and stick it out to the end. Good Job achieved.

Monday, January 25, 2010

aaahhh it's done!

Cheers to my Darling for all his hard work in building this.......
But oh dear what to put on it? All the things we had here before just don't seem to look right..

They always do say that one thing leads to another....and another ...and another.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

This Guy....

This guy has worked like a Trojan....we have all had a good go at keeping up with him but once he sets his mind to it there is no stopping him.
We have the most fabulous looking deck taking shape and I am so proud of him for taking on the task and tackling it so well.

Not too much more to go now!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcoming the weekend

Here's hoping your weekend is full of relaxation...

Good times...
and a nice place out of the shade.

Us???? working flat out on the deck and staying cool despite the heat wave coming.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


1 trade assistant needed for a day's work
Needs to be able to lift heavy things
Needs to know when to be quiet
Needs to be able to pass the right screw
Needs to be able to make a cup of tea
Will work for a take out lunch
Needs to be able to hold a tape measure ....

and doesn't mind a bit of dirt.


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