Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2016

This week

I meant to pop in earlier in the week but it was a short one and it just got away from me.....

So this week I am thankful for...

* The gift of a huge  home grown pumpkin complete with a love heart horse nibble in it.

* Rescuing my chocolate mint plant from the garden and bringing it into the kitchen...well if I can't eat chocolate I may as well be able to smell it.

* A mid long weekend rainy day...perfect for the garden and being inside cooking up a treat.

* A rainy day the perfect excuse to chop into the pumpkin and make soup for two families who I thought might need cheering up.

* The best tasting hot cross buns are only found on the Easter long weekend....they don't seem to have the same magic once the weekend has gone...or in January for that matter!

* Making it just in time to witness an important decision made by one of the newest members of our extended family.

* A clever family member coming to the rescue a week before the big day to take up the hem. ( sorry she doesn't want me to show the colour until next weeks reveal.)

* A first in our family's Easter history...a night time egg hunt with have to be a little creative when they get bigger.

* Didn't make the beach for my brisk exercise to end the week today so walked it off around the block and still got to enjoy the stunning sunset.

* I wasn't sure I would make it through this weekend being a chocoholic and all.....but we restricted the amount of chocolate in the house and so this little tiny indulgence was just enough for me this year. 

#1250 We have really enjoyed our two opportunities to gather at church to celebrate the biggest occasion on the Christian calendar. Totally thankful for the gift we are given by the sacrifice of Jesus.

 Well technically we are only half way through this weekend....the kids are off till Wednesday. So still a bit of relaxing and hanging with friends to be done.

Hope your week ahead is a good one and it is filled with many things to be thankful for. x


Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter as it was......

 The weekend

.... was a long one.

.... was full of food

.... was full of family

.... busy

.... a time to celebrate birthdays

.... a beautiful sunny one

and then there was today......



filled with tea

and sunshine

Looking forward to another week of school holidays all off together.....

Joining in with The Beetle Shack

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

 Well in our house we have done the Easter egg Hunting...a family tradition to do that on Friday...and we hold a pretty good hunt in our garden.....
We eat with our families over the days....

We enjoy the extra days off

We certainly eat our fair amount of Chocolate

We also spend a bit more time at our church......this is an important time in our faith calender.....the faith that I was bought up in and now we our children....the time of the year to reflect on our faith and the gift of Jesus giving up his life for us....

Our faith that has been tested many times over the years......the one that we can lean back into....that will always catch us when we find it all too hard....

The one that we share with those who wish to know.....

Easter is a big one for those who don't usually get to church...they come...reconnect with others, with Jesus....find out first hand what a faith can mean to them...

Yes we celebrate with the eggs and hot cross buns.....but we also acknowledge that we are not perfect and the gift of Jesus dying on the cross is enough to assure us of more.

So if you haven't been to church in a while...or ever....maybe you can find one for tomorrow...go check it out....go check out the people...the community....the faith that they profess....

Happy Easter

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ten On Ten - April Edition

1. Start the day right...head right everything else will fall in to place

2.End of Term...last day of playgroups.....Easter bunny masks to be made.

3. The highlight ...getting ready for the annual playgroup Easter egg Hunt.

4.Counting out 5 little eggs

5. Hunting with friends

6. Enjoying just 1 of the spoils.

7. No chocolate to be found here.

8. Friendly lot they are.

9.Won't be long before the Mulberry has no leaves on it.

10. A new haircut...choosing his own style these days.

Joining in with Rebekah for ten photos over ten hours on the tenth of the month

ten on ten button


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easter Treats

With Easter nearly upon us and the end of the school term arriving I needed to make some little gifts for my playgroup helpers . They do such a great job every a little thank you gift was in order.

I made little bunnies using this pattern   , caught me some little bunny tails and packed them all up with a little bit of chocolate and chocolate drinking mix.

We even made one up for Fraser's teacher too.

Joining in with Show and Tell

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday Snippets - Easter Edition


Easter Weekend- 

A beautiful clear skied weekend with temps in the low 30's

Perfect for a movie night in the park organised by our church

Fantastic time spent with like minded, celebrating all that Easter is to us

Gifts of Chickens GIVEN

Egg Hunting in the backyard....hosted by us this year.

Eggs for all...big and small......people as well as eggs

The anti is upped the older they get...much more competitive indeed

Still the grandads do a fine job at finding trickier hiding places each year.
So feasting on good food.....time in each others company ...and a touch  truckload of chocolate , sees the end of another Easter.

We still have two more days of relaxing ahead of us then back to school for 2 1/2 weeks before we break for holidays.

Hope yours was a good one wherever you spent it .

Joining in with Jodi at The Beetle Shack.   


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