Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011


A couple of weeks ago a real life friend, Christie who has a fantastic blog Childhood 101 asked me to write a guest post on our experience with Geocaching. She is currently running a series of posts on outdoor fun ideas for families.

Hey I was pretty excited to "write " for someone elses blog... it was published while I was can see the published post over here.
We managed just two cache finds while on our overseas holiday this week. A bit hard to indulge too much when travelling with "non converted geocachers"!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

All Over

We are back.....just need to find my way through all the washing and seek a few long hours of sleep!

Monday, April 18, 2011

All ready....

Now if only I knew where the locks were!!
See you on the other side.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Creative Space

My Creative space this week is a last minute assignment for MYSELF!
Myself doesn't usually get much of a look in, but out of desperation...i.e. I could not find exactly what I was looking for in the shops......
So what else is a girl to do?

Make it to the exact requirements I was looking for.

Now with something that fits these important items , I think we are getting closer to being ready!

Grateful # 1    For being able to be resourceful in times of need.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can't contain it...

Picked up these brand new beauties yesterday....

...they will have to go in a safe place for a little while but I am very excited I can hardly contain it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Windsor

I finally have some photos.....via my SD card!

We stayed at The Hotel Windsor while in Melbourne.
It was Derek's choice and he chose well. It wasn't a modern "swanky" hotel but it had character and charm that new establishments just don't have....
The chandeliers, the top hatted concierge to open the door every time we came and went  which was a lot of times!
Creaky wooden floors and very comfy leather lounges in the foyer.
It was the perfect location  to access the CBD centre, view beautiful old churches, and watch the never ending parade of brides having photos on the steps of Parliament house. 
It was also a short down hill stroll to here- which is why  were in Melbourne for this.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What Fun!

We had the most fantastic time in Tasmania with my sister and her family...
A little bit of everything,
some geocaching together...

quiet times
Brave times (it was so cold in!)
time to do some shopping....

time to be creative...
time for a little adventure...
time for last minute homework completing..(3hrs in Melb helped with that one)

a little time to read....
and of course the main attraction...lots of cuddles with this precious baby girl.

Thanks guys we miss you already and can't wait for our next visit.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby Soon?

We have a baby on the way ....
I spoke with my youngest sister tonight who lives in Tasmania and she is very close to having baby number 4!!!!!
This is causing me great excitement as a new baby in the family always does. It means that in three weeks I will be heading over to spend some time with her as well BUT.....
I have this pile of material to firstly assemble into a quilt just in case this new addition is of the pink variety. We don't know which variety it will be but I already have the blue kind covered.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We're Back!

We took 24 hrs out to have some fun and escape the dirt and dust at home....

We didn't go far but boy we had fun.....swimming, enjoying the view from the balcony, enjoying the view from the spa, huge breakfast, walking heaps and being together.
A great way to spend a very quick time out break.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Last Snippets

Before the weekend really does feel like a distant memory here are some more highlights of all the fun we had.....
Lots of this...
Plenty of this....
A good dose of this...
and this...
with these guys...
Oh and they even indulged me in a geocache ...
or two!

Yes that is me under that footbridge balancing precariously so as not to fall into the upside down river also know as the Yarra.( I did find what i was looking for though)

But now it is on with life as we know it...a pile of mending was tackled tonight. Long pants with holes in the knees made short and an odd assortment of other things in need of some tender loving needlework.
Now that my workspace is marginally clearer I can hopefully tackle this before the week is done.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More of Melbourne

We took a drive up to the beautiful Dandenong ranges. The weather was just perfect although once up there it was a little cloudy to see the city clearly. With daylight savings we were able to spend a nice evening up there "sipping cuppas" and chatting with good friends.
A lot of the world's issues can be solved at times like these.

I took the chance of calling on one of the locals...
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Monday, October 12, 2009

Home Again

We have just arrived home from a quick trip to Melbourne. Derek and a good buddy decided to compete in the Melbourne 1/2 Marathon. We spent a couple of days in and about the city. With bags to unpack I will share more over the next couple of days.

The highlight was running the last leg on the hallowed MCG.....
Well Done! We are proud of you!


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