Showing posts with label grateful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grateful. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Family time

In the whirlwind that is the days passing...I need to stop and reflect on the little things...take notice of the quiet things...I seem to have lost my way with it all......
My camera hasn't been out is a tool that really lets me see things a bit clearer.

So plugging it in to my computer tonight it has reminded me that just a few short weekends ago my whole family gathered down south to celebrate my dad's 75 th birthday....His wish,that we spend some time together as a we did all 20 of us and a few extras during the weekend.

And yes it was only a weekend away from being officially Winter and yes the kids did go in the ocean.....we had cyclonic winds on the Friday night...and the most perfect of weather for the rest.... 

We really are to keep that in mind while all the tricky stuff goes on.......

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I'm grateful for the privilege I had  to be amongst some great women today at our Church's Annual Women's Conference.....

A day of being motivated and encouraged to take what God has already given us and use it to charge ahead and make a difference in the lives of those around us....
Despite the pitfalls that life deals along the way...pushing ahead to make the difference in the world in which we live...

This lady delivered a  powerful and challenging word, and this lady a moving challenge through song.

I am grateful to have shared this day with some special and inspiring friends and family members....
Also having a daughter who is old enough to come and sit and be a part of such a fantastic day...

Linking with other grateful  moments here


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