Showing posts with label One Thousand Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Thousand Gifts. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Weekend for the fit.....

This past weekend was all about the sporty types in our family { Sadly I dont get to be at dance class otherwise I could add Meg in here too}

It was the opening game for the soccer season.....a cool early morning was perfect for a team of 10/11 year olds raring to go.

We headed straight down the highway south after the game to prepare for the 1/2 ironman to be held on Sunday morning.

Again a very grey day that provided perfect race conditions for both athletes and spectators.  After overcoming a last minute dash to the transition setup, our ironman was off and swimming......then cycling.....then running.

This is number 13 for him and you would think we would have it all down pat...the watching and supporting thing! For some reason he doesn't recall spotting us at all  and we lost him on the run....
Word got to us that he had problems with his hip and knowing that he was a little undertrained going in, jumped to the conclusion that his race must have been over .
I waited.....then decided he would make contact when he could. We cheered his brother over the line and just waited.....

But somehow we missed him out there and he successfully ran across the finish line thinking that we must have had dramas that kept us from the sidelines!!!!

Anyways never a dull moment.....all finished well and we are super proud of him once more.....  
 Even more so that he was able to pull up for work the next morning like a trooper!

So I am adding to my thankful list....

* The soccer season kicking off
* Perfect race conditions
* A weekend to hang with my sister as we cheer from the sidelines
* No rain despite it being very close
* The sun appearing  as the day progressed

#1295 A solid finish for our 13 time ironman

Sunday, April 17, 2016

This week...

First week of school holidays done....we have had a mixed bag of weather and it appears to be going to continue into this second week also.

Some of the things I am thankful for this past week are.

* Movies on the couch with my boy.

* Movies at the cinema with friends...and very interesting conversations to go with it.

* A dreaded dentist appointment done and not as painful on the purse as I thought.

* A quiet home alone day to recover from the dentist visit.

* Coffee catch ups with friends

* Back to my morning with "Make a Wish" and having my boy tag along was fun.

* Fun play catch ups at the adventure park with cousins which meant sitting and chatting with my sisters.

* A phone call that booked my first day of work for next term

* Chickens that insist on being at the back door to be let in the house. All is Ok 'cause they have been laying plenty of yummy eggs.

* Those same chickens following you around when you are outside like little puppy dogs.

* Finishing two good books,

* An afternoon of baking in preparation for a little getaway for two of us this week.

* The steady fall of rain that made for a gloomy day...perfect for cooking up a storm. 

#1288  The suggestion from my boy that I please take my camera and take pictures this coming week so I can make a photo book of our week. I said only if there was fun for me to photograph and not full of technology playing....."of course mum I plan on doing lots of exploring!. "

Have a great week coming... I am offline for most of the week on a little farm stay with my little guy and some friends.

My growing list of thankfuls 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Last Week

Oops...what happened to last week??? Oh that's right full time working that's what!
I was doing so well until about Wednesday,  then the wheels kinda fell off....It is so long since I have worked full time and two weeks of it was a complete shock to the system.
So the camera didn't come out just a few snaps on my phone camera.....

But some great things to be thankful for.... 

*Totally thankful for two weeks of work almost all of it in the same sweet class of year 3's at the school I am able to walk to and from each day.

* Extra count on my steps too as the class was doing daily swim lessons that required us to walk to and from the pools.

* Great staff at the school to guide me and help me really gain my confidence back in the classroom

* The energy to get up and get those exercises done in the morning....catching glimpses of the sunrise over our back fence.

* Early to bed times to try and stay on top of it all.

* New soccer boots.....exactly the ones he wanted...under budget and on the shelf.

* A new soccer season with a really great coach and great team mates.

* New shoes for me and half price at the checkout.

* The first of a few kid sleepovers for the holidays

* Lunch out to celebrate family members

* Accommodation booked for an upcoming weekend away and bonus upgrade without the cost.

* A cool start to the school holidays....thundery storms and broody skies

* A quick friends catch up just on sunset to end the week.

#1274 School holidays.....for all but one of us.....we will be sure to be extra kind to that one who is working hard for us all. 

My complete list of thankfuls is ever important to see the blessings that are given every day.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

This week...thankfuls

Another week full to the many things to look for amoungst the busy times...things to be thankful for.

* An out of control pumpkin vine....that at last count has 6 pumpkins growing on it and I dont think it has finished making more.

* Learning new skills....clipping the chooks wings so they can enjoy being free range more.

* Capable daughters who only needed cheering on from the sidelines.

* Coffee dates with the boy to find out about his trial day at High School.

* New experiences and the preparation for the big day that produced much joy and excitment.

* Autumn days that are filled with sunshine and blue skies.

* Completing the daunting task of application forms for opportunities next year.

* A week of work at a school close enough to walk.....and the blessing of another full week coming in the same school and class of delightful Year 3's

* Hitting the four week mark of pushing myself physically and seeing some results...enough to spur me on for another month.

* A couple of spontaneous coffee dates with my man...squeezed in after work.

#1261 Friends......oh the power of friends in your life.

Last week of the school term ahead of us.....a full week of work for us all.....thankful in anticipation for all that is coming our way.

Have a great one. x 

My growing list of thankfuls here.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

This week

I meant to pop in earlier in the week but it was a short one and it just got away from me.....

So this week I am thankful for...

* The gift of a huge  home grown pumpkin complete with a love heart horse nibble in it.

* Rescuing my chocolate mint plant from the garden and bringing it into the kitchen...well if I can't eat chocolate I may as well be able to smell it.

* A mid long weekend rainy day...perfect for the garden and being inside cooking up a treat.

* A rainy day the perfect excuse to chop into the pumpkin and make soup for two families who I thought might need cheering up.

* The best tasting hot cross buns are only found on the Easter long weekend....they don't seem to have the same magic once the weekend has gone...or in January for that matter!

* Making it just in time to witness an important decision made by one of the newest members of our extended family.

* A clever family member coming to the rescue a week before the big day to take up the hem. ( sorry she doesn't want me to show the colour until next weeks reveal.)

* A first in our family's Easter history...a night time egg hunt with have to be a little creative when they get bigger.

* Didn't make the beach for my brisk exercise to end the week today so walked it off around the block and still got to enjoy the stunning sunset.

* I wasn't sure I would make it through this weekend being a chocoholic and all.....but we restricted the amount of chocolate in the house and so this little tiny indulgence was just enough for me this year. 

#1250 We have really enjoyed our two opportunities to gather at church to celebrate the biggest occasion on the Christian calendar. Totally thankful for the gift we are given by the sacrifice of Jesus.

 Well technically we are only half way through this weekend....the kids are off till Wednesday. So still a bit of relaxing and hanging with friends to be done.

Hope your week ahead is a good one and it is filled with many things to be thankful for. x


Sunday, March 20, 2016

This Week...

 I am thankful this week for.....

* Our little guy reaching 11....and how so easily he was pleased for his birthday.

* Technology that at times brings us together rather than keep us separated. 

* That the joy of snail mail never gets tiring

* Inter school cricket days that fall on a birthday

* No work offered on the birthday so I could indulge in a little cricket watching

* Impromptu coffee catch up with my sister on that same day off.

* Two weeks of my new fitness goals achieved....beautiful mornings with a cool breeze provide the perfect backdrop for exercising

* Lazy Saturday mornings

* Celebrating a month of birthdays with cousins bigger and smaller.

* A Laser tag birthday get together shared with a friend sharing the same birthday.

* Big open spaces for 10 and 11 year old boys to run off some excess sugar energy.

* Simply put together cakes that go down well.

* The great group of friends my boy has in his life.

* My fitness goal achieved at the end of a busy weekend...shared with my biggest supporter.

#1239 A sunset to end a busy week...reminding us that we have so much in our lives to be thankful for....and right under our noses.

There was a good amount of work thrown in this week....hanging with my new friends at The Wishing you well store...and probably not as much housework as should have been done.

So here's to another week....short one.....Easter is coming....have a great one. xxx


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