Showing posts with label Photo-a-day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo-a-day. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 19

Today I saw...the very cleverest of recycled art done by local artists.


Red...maybe it is time I took these out for a bit of fun.

10 O'Clock...

4 things.....

Playground...where I spend a good part of my week.

Peaceful...this gets a lot of work out in our house.

Photo a Day list here

Monday, May 11, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 18

In my bedroom...late afternoon sun light

Prepare...when a gift arrives in the mail...I like to prepare myself to savour the moment...especially when it contained such loveliness.

I walked here...The Arts centre where we go three times a week for Meg's dance

Need...time set aside to catchup with special friends or my precious sisters.

Want...this race day to go well with no dramas.

Faceless self portrait... 

A cup of ....peppermint tea, my go to for any time of the day or night.

My photo a day -  here  ( nearly caught up)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 17

This Happened.....Anzac Day service at school...very moving

Snack....I know there are much healthier snacks to have...

Seasons... The mulberry tree shows the seasonal change in our garden the most

Mess...or is that comfort?

Fill the experimental candle making attempt

I sat here and watched my nephew be lost in his little world of play.

4'oclock ... Some parking practice in a big empty car park.

Playing catch up with loading my pics....Photo a Day pics here.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 16

Paper - Some beautiful prints waiting to be framed for the teen's room....

Up - Being up there is becoming a constant source of fascination.

Dinner - Not the usual but they sure said it was tasty...

Where I work - A couple of days off this wont be so quiet come next week when playgroup  is back.

An ordinary moment - ahhh to have the time to have complicated beauty regimes...

Fluffy - The nights are cold so the slippers have been making an appearance.

Together- A rare moment that just had to be captured.

My photo a day project.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 15

 Shape - Our cucumber plants are doing well.....

Beauty - Our roses - say no more...

Breakfast - Taken alone in the semi darkness a full half hour before the next person arises...

Inspired - Someone was inspired to make some adjustments in our garden this week....{ I think having two fellow boy cousins for a play helped}

Dark - The end of the loveliest smelling candle to light the darkness...

This smells so good - The pizza made by the hubby...

Something green-  It does might heart good to see him enjoying this space.

My photo a day project

Monday, April 6, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 14

#89 On my table - This note was left by our ten year old...he had a funny rash on his tummy and I was out for the evening... {it turned out not to be chicken pox}

#90 - Two Tone- gifts made for my playgroup chocolate mix

#91 I hope this wasn't going to spoil his  lunch after the playgroup Easter egg hunt.

#92 This Building in our garden is under renovation.

#93 It is good....The one time of the year that it feels right to stuff yourself with Hot Cross Buns

#94 I stood here and watched the kids and their cousins have possibly the last swim of the season

#95 It was the eggs in the trees that had them stumped.

My photo a Day project......a bit tougher this week in what was a busy one.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 13

#82 Too Much fun was had while we did a little babysitting...poor Uncle

#83 A Treasure  hidden away in our garden that is going to get a makeover.

#84 Half ....coconuts are so much nicer to look at than consume.

#85 Something White...a lone daisy in our garden

#86 I love my girl's hair...

#87 .....which she decided to Give away....

#88 ZEN ....girlfriend hang out time....

My photo a day project

Monday, March 23, 2015

Photo a Day - Week 12

#75 Admiring our city at night after the dance class

#76 Pursuing the teen's hobby....sadly this is as close as I can get to a photo at the moment.

#77 While visiting the theatre, I enjoyed reading the text on these vintage poster boards

#78 Enjoyed a very private day at the day spa with my sister...

#79 If our boy isn't playing technology he is designing these  hand drawn plans....

#80 It won't be long before the mulberry tree loses all it's leaves.

#81 My attempt at a "sunflare" photo

My photo a day project


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