Finding opportunities to give and show others love is really important to me and it is something I want my children to learn at an early age.....
One of the ways we have been able to get involved with being generous is
Project Operation Christmas Child.
We have been involved as a church for the last 6 years. As part of my Children's Pastor role I co -ordinate this project.
This year we packed 100 shoeboxes full of goodies and love.
One of the ways we have been able to get involved with being generous is
Project Operation Christmas Child.
We have been involved as a church for the last 6 years. As part of my Children's Pastor role I co -ordinate this project.
This year we packed 100 shoeboxes full of goodies and love.
The months leading up to September a group of willing and creative ladies join together and we sew....
drawstring bags
pencil cases
we snip....
no sew scarves
we knit....
simple teddies
Then our church come together and buy a box and pack it...
exercise books
soap, face washers and toothbrushes
tennis balls
small toys, yoyo's , marbles
pencils , sharpeners
The kids in our kids church run the market days and together we give generously and donate to this worthy cause.
It is not too late if you would like to get involved. Check out their website for all the packing details and how you can get your box into the warehouse nearest you.