Showing posts with label shoeboxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoeboxes. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

My Creative Space

I am in production line mode at the moment...nothing terribly creative but all for a good cause none the less.....

So lots of scarf cutting.... 

Turning upholstery swatches into pencil cases.....

Encouraging the knitting of tiny teddies....

and converting large pieces of fabric into simple library bags....

All this hopefully finished by the end of the month....

All 100 of each is needed.....

you could get involved on a smaller scale ...just check out how here.....

Joining in with Show and Tell again this week. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

'Tis the time to give.....

Finding opportunities to give and show others love is really important to me and it is something I want my children to learn at an early age.....

One of the ways we have been able to get involved with being generous is 
Project Operation Christmas Child.

We have been involved as a church for the last 6 years. As part of my Children's Pastor role I co -ordinate this project.

This year we packed 100 shoeboxes full of goodies and love.   
 The months leading up to September a group of willing and creative ladies join together and we sew....

drawstring bags
pencil cases

we snip....
no sew scarves

we knit....
simple teddies

Then our church come together and buy a box and pack it...

exercise books
soap, face washers and toothbrushes
tennis balls
small toys, yoyo's , marbles
pencils , sharpeners
 The kids in our kids church run  the market days and together we give generously and donate to this worthy cause.

It is not too late if you would like to get involved. Check out their website for all the packing details and how you can get your box into the warehouse nearest you.


Friday, August 24, 2012

My Creative Space....

This week I desperately wanted to create a new piece for my wardrobe from these lovely Spring delights....

maybe it was the desperate part that has given me a creative block......

Probably just as well because I have a huge basket full of pencil cases , drawstring bags and scarves that need finishing for our Shoebox Project.......

 Also the arrival of a new magazine to fill me with lovely things to look at and try......add to the "to do one day" list, has been a distraction.....

Hmmm..... sometimes being torn in so many directions happens and so then little happens everywhere.

I am sure you will be more inspired by all these creative peeps .

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Snippets

Finally finding a space of time to put my sewing machine in for a service meant finding other projects to consume some creative time this weekend.

Joining in here for other snippets  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Creative Space

 These little guys are popping up all over the house this week.........

{two of these I knitted , the other I sewed using a felted wool jumper}

 You see I am responsible for co ordinating a project each year that sees shoe boxes full of goodies head overseas to children for Christmas time.....
You can read more about the project here and some of the things we have put together in our boxes

This year for the "something to cuddle "item I would love to include one of these guys in each box.......
So I was wondering if you would like to help me......

I have a few real life friends that are on board but if you can knit then maybe you would like to help me get to the 100 I need? At the rate I knit I have no hope of getting there by myself.

These guys are straight line knitting ( if I can do it, anyone can)

They can be any colour,  plain yarn , fancy yarn  what ever you have ...they don't use up very much so great stash buster.....  

 Anyway if you would love to help out....maybe even just one little guy......or maybe you are super fast on the needles and could do a little more than one.....

Drop me an email and I will let you know where you can send them.

I have until August 31st to pack them .

I know cheeky ask but you never know unless you do ask!

 Check out other creative people here

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I went to Spotlight!

 I received the tip off from my very kind sister this morning,,,,,
(she was looking after the kids today while I went to work)

....that Spotlight were having 40% off today........

So I went on my way home from work .....and as I assured my hubbie when he spied my purchases in the boot.......the load wasn't for me.

I decided to take the opportunity to make purchases for my church's  Christmas in A Shoebox project in a few months time

20 metres of polar fleece + 40% off =  100 no sew scarves at a bargain.

Do you frequent Spotlight?

Did you grab a bargain?

Did you spend way to much?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Clearing away

After my "nothing day" yesterday , I was prompted to do something today....
I was prompted by the arrival of my first birthday cards  in the mail,  which meant that Christmas was over!
Down came the tree and all the decorations were  neatly squeezed back into their storage containers and tucked away in the cupboards until next.......

It was then on to my work room that had sure taken a hammering throughout December......

I now have some working space.....
and with it sooooo hot outside today it was nice to sit in the air conditioning and take in the view....

This clean up has prompted me to move a big pile of upholstery samples that were given to me....
I have been contemplating a use for them .....

They are the perfect size for .....

a very simple pencil case......

My plan is to work slowly with the pieces over the coming months and have at least 100 ready for our shoebox drive later in the year.....

Is that organised or what?
Phew ...enough cleaning, sorting and idea forming for one day!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Delivery {Blogtoberfest 26}

Today was delivery day for the 92 shoe boxes that we began preparing for back here....

These shoe boxes were packed by my church family and they are destined to light the world of a small child in a far off country  at Christmas time.
You can check out more about Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child here.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Working and playing

Well thanks to some very lovely ladies ( and Meg) who came and gave of some of their time today ....
we now have finished 100 no- sew scarves and a few dozen library bags for the project
It was so nice to share the load and have a chat whilst doing it...
Thanks guys for giving of yourselves and your talents.

Hopefully a few homemade goodies for afternoon tea were enough of payment....

The orange cake recipe came from here...

Then after all that chatting,eating and crafting we headed to a Quiz Night in support of our  church youth doing the 40 Hour Famine.....
Nothing like going to a quiz night to ground you and remind yourself that you actually know very little about a lot.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today was spent giving my overlocker / serger a total workout........

My scissors also got a fair hammering too......

My busyness was too get prepared for a sewing bee tomorrow with a few friends......
We have 100 no -  sew scarves to cut and a few dozen library bags to whip up....
all for the Samaritans Purse Christmas in a Shoebox Project  my church is participating in.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mission begun

Over the next few months I will be heading up a project in our church to support the charity Operation Christmas Child.
One of the many tasks I need to complete for this project to get under way is some very low or no cost items to go into a gifted shoebox.
I started by purchasing a whole lot of polar fleece at a great price to make some No-Sew-Scarves..........
I will enlist the help of some very dedicated friends, some are crafters but many are not so the aim is to find as simple time effective tasks ....
did I mention that we need to produce 100 of each different idea we come up with?

The mission has begun......


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