Showing posts with label Ikea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ikea. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wardrobe to study nook

A little project we the talented hubby and son undertook during the school holidays was turning a wardrobe full of junk into a study nook.....
Our  home has very little bedrooms and there was no  room for a desk in Fraser's room....we were getting tired of clearing off all his drawing stuff from the lounge and floor.

So now he has somewhere to draw, do homework or at least a place I can stick all his bits of paper.

This is what we started with...well I had already cleaned out most of the junk before this pic....
Lets face it he is a boy and not much was getting hung up in there anyways

Here is the rest of his junk....belongings from the inside...
So once it was cleaned out...the painting began....
 The hubby made a simple desk at just the right height....

We then made a trip to IKEA and picked up a chair and mat...
a magnetic board....

Reused a pin up board we had lying around.....

Bought some hanging containers for pencils and bits and pieces....
A  times table chart  ......

and presto happy little guy with his new space....
One happy mumma having somewhere to off load all the drawing creations.... 

 We also purchase some little self adhesive battery operated LED lights and attached them under the top shelf, to light up the space should he need extra

He will outgrow this space but it buys us some time before we have to find other creative methods to create space in our home.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Shopping Solo

Over the weekend we got the great idea to update our Lounge room....firstly we tried moving furniture from around our home....this resulted in a lot of moving and a less than ideal situation.
Next up we reached for the IKEA catalogue......

HMMMM dangerous

So after  lots of researching and measuring we had a new game plan......
...this game plan involved me volunteering to head to IKEA this morning...
unable to enlist any shopping buddies at such late notice I ventured on my own...... would  be fine...I had the clear shopping list and knew exactly what I was getting.....
so only three calls to my hubbie at work - just to clarify! I finally enlisted the help of  a lovely salesperson to help me with the heaviest load I have have ever purchased there.

Some quick mental picturing of how I was going to load it all in the car, I talked myself into having it delivered....hmmm I think if I had taken a deep breath I could have managed  and saved on the cost but not the way I went.

I learnt something today .
that as much as I love Ikea and the ease at which you can spend money there and the inspiration that you can come away with......

It is no fun to be there on a mission by yourself!
No -one to chatter too, discuss colours,shape, form or function with 
and no-one to encourage you to try and get it all in the car.


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