Monday, February 20, 2012

{Table Update....}

Remember our table dilemma?
Hey we had a moment today where for some unplanned reasons we had enough strong hands in one place to "flip" the table......
I am so proud of my is so beautiful......

A few more splinters to knock off it and we are ready to have a feast with friends around this grand table.....
...and the best part was other than all the hard work gone into it was a steal of a deal made with scrap yard jarrah wood......never could we have afforded to have bought one!


  1. Oh Bron, your hubby did a marvellour job of that is truly gorgeous!!

  2. aaahhh somebody already used the word truly cool..handmade is so satisfying! Gary made some shelves for a tricky space in the old garage in the wekend.Not only did he save money that I can spend on something else(ha!) he feels pleased.They are great shelves too..
    Tan]bles are magical spaces that hold stories and families..well done!


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