Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A time of change

I am feeling a little lost in the changing times of our lives. The last couple of weeks have been pretty intense. Emotional.

We are a week away from the biggest change for our family. Although we are excited about what lies ahead there is a little in-trepidation going forward.... 
But mixed in with all of that, we celebrated my gorgeous husbands special birthday.....a little romantic getaway in the city and then a surprise lunch  with a couple of our favourite people...not too much fuss but just enough to make it special....

We have also spent our last official paid "rostered day off" together. I have loved these days that have happened every second Monday for the last 19 years, especially the last 5 years that have been spent child free.......It was a beautiful winters day......lunch and....

a beach walk.......

Tomorrow is also our 27th wedding anniversary.......Wow so much to be thankful for....

Life is great....just becoming different.....
and just when we thought we had all the change under way......out of the blue my working week life changes..... a change in responsibilities....less time required...more time at home....more time with my man who will also be home.....hey maybe it is not sounding all that bad after all....

Change is emotionally draining...unknown adventures are hard on the sleep....

But life is great....we are blessed and whatever the next bit has in store for us we will embrace and run with everything that comes our way....

Oh and what better way to tackle change head a family holiday...woohoo


  1. Thinking of you all during this time Bron. Change is not always exciting! I am sure you will make the most of whatever lies ahead and you get to do it together :) Hang in there xx

  2. Happy birthday to your sweet hubby and a very happy anniversary... I think a holiday is just what is needed. Sending you lots of huggs xxxx

  3. Oh change aye - it always make me realise how hard trust in God is won, and how easily I take it back and try to manage the ins and outs. May you find that the corner you are about to turn is brighter and more beautiful in all ways xxx

  4. Oh goodness, now your work is shifting things around too! That would have been a shock & a new adjustment to be made on top of D's... best wishes for his birthday, & your anniversary! Congratulations!
    Take care....

  5. Change can certainly be scary .... but sometimes turns out for the best too ... hope things settle down for you quickly.

  6. Having quality time together on Monday's I'm sure has cemented a closer relationship together. I'm sure you'll both handle your "new" normal with ease as you settle into the next 20 years. I'm sure you will love the new normal. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  7. What a lovely, inspirational post to read Bron. Beautiful pics and you both look so happy. Yes change is a tough one, but there is always a silver lining somewhere in the picture :)


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