Sunday, March 13, 2016

This Week

It has been a quiet emotional week, physically challenging and full of great things to be thankful for.....


* A beautiful memory card made for Meg marking that 17th birthday she has just had

* A batch of homemade soap and a lovely morning tea with the friends that made it for us.

* Scone to share with others for a spontaneous morning tea at my favourite little thrift shop.

* Visits to grandpas with extra fun duties while there.

* Our healthy eating plan this week full of delicious easy to prepare meals

*A first- taking myself to the local pool and exercising as part of my fitness goals

*The beautiful flowers and support on remembering our big girl's birthday .

* The lone lunchbox left on the counter meant that his focus was actually on remembering to take a photo of his big sister to quietly show his mates at could I not run it off to him at school.

* Loving my time spent hanging out at the "Wishing You Well Store"....and a quieter working week that allowed me to help out two mornings this week.

* Some song learning this choices had us all giggling.

* Tender rare moments between our two.

*The most stunning sunset at the end of the weekend on a scorcher of a day.

*Ending my week of pushing my physical limits with a 28 minute soft sand walk.

# 1224 No walking for these two just enjoying the beautiful coolness of a early evening swim.

So we head into another week...another birthday to celebrate this week, some more fitness goals to achieve, maybe some work will pop up, hopefully squeeze in a coffee date or two...and the last of our three's birthday party to plan for.

Have a good one. x

Adding to my thankful list


  1. What a special moment and photo of your son and daughter! And such a lovely list of thankfuls!

  2. I love the picture on the couch! It is so sweet that they get along with each other so well xx


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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