Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Snippets


We have had the most amazing weather here...

Too amazing and not enough WINTER

Because it has been warmer outside than inside,
 we have made the most of it ....'cause hopefully the rain will come and keep us all indoors.

Happy week to you!

Joining in here for Sunday Snippets.


  1. It has been beautiful weather hasn't it! My favourite type of weather ever, sunny Winter days. Where abouts are you in the photos? I thought it might be down south?

  2. What gorgeous photos. I can't believe what beautiful sunshine we've had in the midst of Winter!

  3. Beautiful pics Loving those blues. You are right whatever has happened to winter?
    Enjoy your week.

  4. Lucky you guys for being out enjoying the warmth, we've been stuck indoors fighting the flu but the small amount of time I am either handing out laundry or sitting outside reading has been bliss.

  5. teehee! live it up in that sunshine! i'm a little jealous ha!

  6. So good to get out doors. Like Megan I'm loving the sunny winter days... when my crew isn't too ill to get out and enjoy them!

  7. Magnificent place, happy family, total bliss. :)


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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