Thursday, February 25, 2010

This week at Playgroup

Continuing on our summer theme...(which by the way is a good thing seeing we copped another day well over 40 C) we read a story about boats and then had some fun constructing one.
Simple materials...a couple of scourer sponges, a straw ,a dishcloth sponge, some glue and some glitter glue for colour.
One of our playgroup dads made the great suggestion that it was a great idea - a toy that also cleaned the bath....only a stay at home dad would think that!!!

We required child friendly PVA glue for this activity but for most paper related gluing you just need a paste. I found a great recipe today for making your own...check out this.
Thanks Logan for being a willing model and great boat maker!

1 comment:

  1. I'm grinning from ear to ear over a toy boat that cleans the bath! Love it :-)


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