Friday, December 16, 2011

December 16 {Thankful #16}

{ Blog 25 days of being Thankful..... this as a way of staying focused on the good , happy and pleasing moments....
it's a way of acknowledging all that we take for granted, all that we sometimes overlook as we let busyness take over.}

I am thankful for "plans to guide you through a day"....

The Plan for today......

Hmmm lets see how we went.....

  1. Visit the gym   - check
  2. Drop hubby off at work - check
  3. Do the weekly grocery shopping  - check
  4. Finish writing and addressing Christmas cards - check
  5. Post the said cards - check
  6. Choose beautiful gifts for new nephew - check
  7. A must visit and cuddle with new nephew - check
  8. Pick hubby up from work - check
  9. Make a meal for an unwell friend - check
Now lets see what have I forgotten.........


ooops there is always tomorrow!:-)

I am a bit old fashioned when it comes to Christmas communication....
I don't give out cards to those I see on a daily or weekly basis.
I save my cards for those who I hardly see in a year  or those who live in far flung countries....

So I  begin by writing a letter of the year that was.....
snap a photo of the kids,
and no fancy homemade cards just a cute pre -printed one
and then off they go......

I love getting "newsy" cards and letters at Christmas time....I am a bit sad when it is just a "to from...."
So at least that is a job ticked off my to do list before the "big day"
Now about that Cleaning !!!!!!

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