I am the first to admit I don't do screaming and running around in the house very well at all......I am often heard saying ...
"TAKE IT OUTSIDE".... on a very regular basis.....
Now we only have two males in this family...
One little guy and one big guy....
what is it about the need to male bond and run through the house at top speed and top pitch????
So tonight right on cue at about 5 ish I called out my usual cry...
hey ...they did......
all went quiet.....
curiosity got the better of me and this is what I found.........
Oh my not what I had in mind........
but some good old fashioned male bonding put together with things found around the garden.....
Not particularly but hey it was quiet inside for a short while......
Moments like these that I think the little guy will remember about his big guy dad xxxx