* A warm tasty dinner waiting for me when I get home late
* The tears shed with a friend
* The opportunity to pray with that friend in her need
* The stamina of a teenage daughter
* Awesome results from studying hard
* The arrival in bed of two extra during an early morning thunderstorm
* Listening to the conversations of technically savvy tweens
* Impromptu sleepovers and play mornings
* On time finishing ballet classes
* The most yellow of roses in our garden
* The spectacle of birds taking a bath in the the running water of our pond
* The birds singing in the early morning despite the rolling thunder
* The coming together of end of year celebration planning
* Tax returns hitting the bank
* Laughter even in the most solemn of situations
*Sharing a special book with a friend
* The once a fortnight day spent alone with my husband
* The fun of trading on gumtree
#854 The helpfulness of the GPS to guide me to a new place.