Monday, October 10, 2011

Spring Action {Blogtoberfest 10}

We've been spending a bit of time in the backyard these last few days getting ready for the Summer....
We haven't been the only ones busy preparing......

The bush doves are famous for finding the strangest places to build a nest...a nest that is a little messy and looks like it has been thrown together.......

She hasn't moved much and when she did we spied two eggs sitting in the nest.

As for these two Willy Wagtails........

They are becoming territorial and are only a metre away from the bush dove.....they must be driving her insane with their noisy chatter and their hyperactive behaviour....
But they too have chosen a very interesting place to  begin their new family....... hanging light under the verandah!

Unlike the first mummy they are meticulously putting together a very neat and tightly woven nest . It appears to have any amount of man made fibres  entangled in it. 
We have spent today wondering where they are gathering all their supplies...
I did find them around the other side of the house near my washing line!

Just wondering how long it will take to finish so we can have some peace and quiet again...I am sure the bush dove would second that too!.


  1. Amazing! I have never seen a nest so close to a home :)

  2. Gorgeous birds, and yes, funny places to begin nests! We've got some swallows right over our front door, which we wouldnt mind so much if we didn't have to keep cleaning up all the poo down the door!! yuck!!


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