Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Taking Time

Today I took some time.....

Time out from work

Time to go slow

Slowly wander the supermarket gathering the perfect thank you gifts...
Time out to listen to some inspiration

Time to read a little 

Time to look at the beauty in my garden
listen to the birds that came a visiting

 Time to enjoy the sun and it's warmth
Time  to organise some appreciation .....
Time to reflect 
Time to breathe a little slower.....

Oh what a beautiful day it was.  


  1. glad you had some time out to breathe.
    Hope it has refreshed you anew & everything is ok.

  2. I love taking time! and look at all those flowers coming up very pretty

  3. ME time! LOVE it.

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  4. Good reminders bron I like that you took care choosing gifts for your shopping basket.So easy just to go for what is right in front of you.Thank you for your comment yesterday,I appreciate it.It is a struggle at times,but only with the well meaning people who are not actually connected you in a real way and then launch into what you need to do without actually asking what you are doing or finding out where you at or what you need.In contrast to that so many wonderful friends and family helping us in the right way.x

  5. Sounds like a lovely day and the thank you gifts will be very much appreciated.

  6. Look at those divine flowers in your garden and the beautiful sunshine on there petals..such a visual feast! Shopping for presents is so much fun, hope you got them all.

  7. Oh I love days like that Bron. So great that you recorded this one down for memory's sake. Beautiful images xo

  8. love the taking of time... good for you xxx


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