Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday Thankful List

* Home grown produce

* A fun kids church Easter carnival

* The tradition of family Easter egg hunts

* Looking on at the partnership between little kids and big kids

* Spontaneous road trips

* Curried egg sandwiches and thermos tea

* Anzac biscuits baked for friends

* Watching my children be creative

* Extra days off altogether

* Play dates with cousins

* Sisters willing to hold the play dates

* Inspirational blogging friends

* Having the courage to tell a friend that I will pray for her

* De-cluttering moves that fill bins and clear spaces

* Passing off unwanted goods successfully on Gumtree

#488 Long sleep ins

My other lists are here


  1. AW!!! I can remember my grandmother growing carrots! I loved eating them. Yours look really yummy!

  2. I think I got your de-cluttering bug! Your carrots look amazing, hope you're all well xx

  3. those carrots look fun!! Love the thought of purple carrots.

  4. Isn't it strange how hard we find it to tell someone we will pray for them. It shouldn't be difficult. Good on your for telling her. One brave move & you will find it easier next time...


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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