Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cure for fuzzy Monday

Before you say it I know it is Wednesday already...actually closer to Thursday even.....
 life is busy alright???

So on Monday morning when I looked at the day ahead, I just wasn't sure where to start first....

a busy weekend 
some emotion thrown in there and it all made for a blurry Monday morning....

Sadly for everyone else in the house they had a date either with school or work.

Me.....housework, grocery shopping, playgroup preparations.....lalalalalala

 So I chose none of the above and went Op Shopping.... 

Little did I know that my local Salvos were also having a blurry start to the week and were holding 
"Monday Madness" on all purple  ticketed items....

Bingo for me...... 

$20 and a few cents saw me walk out with ..

Vintage looking sheet set.
sunshiny yellow mug,
a collection of bias binding  


 Four skirts,
one pair of linen pants


one red jacket......

some were perfect as is and some are destined for my date with Jody on Friday.

Yay for fuzzy Monday's

(oh yeah I eventually did most of the things on my supposed to do list as well) 



  1. There's nothing like a great sale to cure the fuzzies (and other ailments)!

  2. wow, what a good haul! Marvelous to beat the fuzzies a bit! I think I have that sheet too! hmmm...

  3. Sometimes there's no better cure for what ails you than an op shop stop - especially when you find treasure like that.

    Looking forward to Friday! x

  4. I love that red jacket Bron, is that destined for a makeover, or are you keeping it as is?

  5. That was good going Bron! You're a powerhouse.

  6. I have been MIA for a while it seems so I just popped in to say hi. Love all the reinventing you have been up to. Loved the Wedding pic of you two very lovely

  7. yay for fuzzy mondays indeed!
    what a fabulous oppy haul!


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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