Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Delivery {Blogtoberfest 26}

Today was delivery day for the 92 shoe boxes that we began preparing for back here....

These shoe boxes were packed by my church family and they are destined to light the world of a small child in a far off country  at Christmas time.
You can check out more about Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child here.


  1. Great to see the boxes. Our church (Freo C of C) has a huge pile of them to deliver too. Next week I'm running an international food night to raise funds for Samaritan's purse there.

  2. This is a great scheme, my boys have done it for th past few years, I can never quite catch my breath when I look at the pamphlet with the pics and stories of the kids receiving their boxes.

  3. What a great project! And congratulations for the pick up. Amazing work!


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