Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend Snippets


This weekend.....

Lego play.....simple foods....sweet trips....lounging around....tackling piles...

watching movies.......oh weekend we love you...please don't go so soon.........

Joining in with Emily at Weekly Stills  


  1. Oh yum those chocolate covered strawberries do look good to me. And I love that photo of all the lego men lined up. Hope Meghan is feeling better she looks a bit exhausted there. Have a wonderful week ahead Bron. xx

  2. so colourful this week! love the piano shot and also the side mirror shot - awesome. xx

  3. Ahh so that's what he's eating on the skewers! Strawberries. I was going to ask. :)
    Looks like a really lovely weekend for you Bron. Love his little collection of Lego Peeps! So many of them. and your pile looks like it needs to be rifled through! Very nice indeed. ♥

  4. Lego! Yay!

    Bear! Yay!

    Food! Yay!


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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