Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekend Snippets

This weekend.....

1. It was a scorcher....

2. A lovely visit to a new pop up store of a very creative and talented lady

3. Yes goodies were purchased from said "pop up store"

4. Evidence of our gadget boy being creative without a screen

5. It just warms my heart what he comes out with when he puts his mind to it.

6. Everything is all lined up ready to go

7. Just waiting for the superheros all to arrive bright and early in the morning 

 It is busy action stations around here and will be all week... have a good one.

Joining in with The Beetle Shack



  1. happy new year gorgeous! oh that writing melts your heart...mama's doing a good job for sure!xxxx

  2. Good luck with your holiday programme! Looks terrific! I am sure it's a huge success.

  3. If we took your heat and our cold, we would all have great weather!

  4. Aw... Another sweet note! So dear!
    44c? Wow... Did you melt? I know that I would have! In leaving California that is the only thing I do not miss is the intense heat! Blaaaahhh...

  5. It sure was toasty on the weekend... but what about today? Freezing in comparison.


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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