Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Growing despite

With all the time spent on the renovations last year...the garden has been a little neglected.

But the great thing is that there are a few things that will grow and flourish despite the lack of tender loving care.

Wild self seeded tomatoes and pumpkins that have made their way into the chook bed are some of those going on in our outside space.

I also discovered today that my gifted chocolate mint plant is quietly doing it's thing amongst it's more wild and more robust neighbours.

It is hot now here and gardening can only be done early or late...then there is the danger of not seeing the little critters lurking in the garden beds that make the evening gardening a little hazardous....
Luckily for us those strong minded amidst the garden are determined to produce, despite our neglect.
It's quiet amazing the gourmet delights being cooked up in the kitchen with the tomatoes that are gathered.


  1. That's my kind of plant- that grows with out too much attention- nothing better than homegrown tomatoes x

  2. We just finished rennos too and our garden has done the same thing :)

  3. Tomatoes in the garden are great! What a good little garden to do all that for you while you were so busy...

  4. One of my very favorites are cherry tomatoes... Yummy


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