Sunday, January 24, 2016

Oh Summer

Oh  Summer...

Why oh why so  so so hot!

I know, I know, that is what summer is ....but no respite day and night is wearing....

Lucky we had a date with friends on the river today....a little boating for the big boys and kids and a big shady tree for the mummies.

{my whinging is falling on deaf ears, as while we were away in the sunshine all last was very not summery here.}


  1. Oh my goodness how fun! Beautiful river it is too xx

  2. I am not much of a summer person either and we have been having some long hot days here lately too bleh hehehe I should roll with it more but I totally understand. I hope that you had a wonderful day and got some relief in the shade. xxx

  3. I love summer, but not the relentless heat! I haven't been on those cat boats for years! What fun you must have all had in South Perth xx

  4. Yes, the heat is getting to everyone here as well. We have a bit of a change... hope you get one soon. Rain would have been lovely even if it made it hotter instead.


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